Did You Know…?

Traditional Martial Arts began not in a temple but as soldiering. Then old soldiers brought their training to the temples and what was learned centuries ago in the temples adopted by the monks to take it all to another level.

Mind / Body / Spirit

Balance is the key. It is the triangle of humanity. The body may only be developed so far without the mind. The mind can only be developed so far if the body is failing. The spirit developed only so far if the mind and body don't join it on the quest.

Martial arts was used to take the mind / body training in the temples to another level for their spiritual progress. You can experience this progress for yourself. Discipline of the mind. Conditioning of the body. Motivation of the spirit. Through the combined training you become more of who you are and reach more of your own potential.

Based on a need for survival the conditioning and mental disciplines that come from TMA practice were distilled by masters and soldiers for millennia before we get the arts as they appear today. 

My goal has been to deconstruct the historical arts. The arts of warriors and soldiers. The discipline that allowed our ancestors to not just survive the field of battle but thrive.

We are more that the sum of our parts. You potential awaits you taking the step to a new you.