Taijiquan & Qigong

Taijiquan the grand ultimate fist is not just a great art for self defense. But much time energy and effort was placed in the art for the purpose of the cultivation of qi on a medical level.
Qi has been the science of energy movement in the body used for about 5000 years in China and even further back in India for forms of medical treatment.
We are talking about 5000+ years of applied science, I can personally attest to the benefits of this training and others that have seen transformational changes in their health and well being due to tutelage in this particular spectrum of the arts.
There are numerous traditional martial arts that can be a part of your personal program of development and personal growth.
And it is actually effective self defense as well.
The healing and balancing benefits of Taijiquan and qigong training would fill libraries of books on that topic alone. A good portion of my personal library is dedicated to the subject of movement as medicine. Western science is just barely catching on to all the benefits getting up and moving the right way can help.
Which is why I offer personal instruction in the arts of Taiji, qigong, yoga, meditation and more.
Larry Clements Sensei is available for special seminars, weekend workshops, and focused scheduled training on these subjects as well.